Can't plan using a list of waypoints

🛠 Done

I've upgrade jacobi-motion to the latest version=0.0.17 and am using python 3.8.10

I can use the planner to plan from a start to goal waypoint, but the following code fails on line

trajectory = planner.plan(waypoints)

planner = Planner('xxx', delta_time=0.01)  # [s]
    'xxx', 'xxx')

trajectory = planner.plan(
    start=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0.32, 0.0, -0.68, 0.0, -1.57, 0.97, 1.57],
    goal=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0.32, 2.0, -0.68, 0.0, -1.57, 0.97, 1.57])  # this passes

waypoints = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0.32, 0.0, -0.68, 0.0, -1.57, 0.97, 1.57],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.32, 2.0, -0.68, 0.0, -1.57, 0.97, 1.57],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.32, 0.0, -0.68, 0.0, -1.57, 0.97, 1.7]]
trajectory = planner.plan(waypoints)  # this fails

I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in <module>
    trajectory = planner.plan(waypoints)
    Please set up an environment via the Jacobi API.

Mrunal Sarvaiya

1 year ago

Yahav changed status to 🛠 Done

1 year ago

Lars Berscheid

Thanks for catching this one! Planning along waypoints in a Studio project is indeed currently not supported, but we'll implement this shortly.

As a side note, this method calculates motions without checking for collisions. If you do want to plan collision-free trajectories, you can specify motions with a start and goal waypoint. On top, we've released the feature of intermediate waypoints this week, that allow to go through up to three waypoints without stopping. These intermediate waypoints can be added via the API in the Motion class or in Studio in the Motion tab.

I'll keep you posted.


0    1 year ago    Reply

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Mrunal Sarvaiya

Thanks for the quick response, I'll keep an eye out for updates!

And that sounds good since I don't need to collision check these trajectories.

0    1 year ago    Reply

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