Segmentation fault with jacobi.Studio()

✅ Closed

Did something change today regarding the interface with jacobi.Studio?
All of a sudden I simply get a segmentation fault when I try to connect to it.

In [1]: import jacobi
In [2]: jacobi.Studio()
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Alban Laflaquiere

10 months ago

Yahav changed status to ✅ Closed

9 months ago

Yahav changed status to Not approved

9 months ago

Alban Laflaquiere

I've seen the corking fault too in the past. This one seemed different.

Unfortunately the segfault didn't give me much information. So it's difficult to say how to reproduce the crash.

The only solution I found was to completely restart the machine (host machine that is, as the planner is running in a Docker container), which was not ideal as it is not supposed to be shut down.

0    10 months ago    Reply

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Did this issue happen more than once?

0    10 months ago    Reply

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Alban Laflaquiere

@Yahav: So far it happened only once to me.

0    9 months ago    Reply

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@Alban Laflaquiere: Since we could not reproduce this, I'm closing it for now and we'll reopen it if it happens again.

0    9 months ago    Reply

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Lars Berscheid

We didn't change anything on the server side since fixing the obstacle reset.

Do you have any more information besides the segmentation fault? We do have an open issue regarding a corking fault on the websocket connection, which might be related. I'll let you know once this is fixed.

0    10 months ago    Reply

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