🚀 Updates

Here are updates and the recent changes we've made to the Jacobi library.

13 May 2023

ABBDriver returns to some default position when idle after move

🛠 Done

After executing motion the ABBDriver moves the robot to some default pose (seems like it's the pose the robot was in when the driver was created?). Expected behaviour is to stay where the motion finished.
The rapid program was configured with EGM_STOP_HOLD flag:
EGMRunJoint egm_id, EGM_STOP_HOLD, \J1 \J2 \J3 \J4 \J5 \J6 \CondTime:=10;
If program is shutdown just after the move is finished the robot stays in place.

One vote

20 April 2023

ABBDriver trajectory execution issues

🛠 Done

The ABBDriver methods: run(), move_to() and move_to_async() results in killing the program without executing the motion or raising any exception.
run_async() executes motion to some point and kills the program without any indication of a reason.

One vote

20 April 2023

ABBDriver keeping EGM connection

🛠 Done

The driver does not keep the connection to the EGM stream - if no command is sent to the ABBDriver within the EGMRunJoint timeout, the connection is dropped.

One vote

07 March 2023

Error on adding obstacles when Studio Project

🛠 Done

The library should raise an error when a user tries to add an obstacles despite using a Studio project by set_project.

No votes yet

07 March 2023

Training error?

🛠 Done

I noticed it is possible now to run training for region motions. On the training page all the started trainings have finished, except for one, the "Target Region - Source Region". Has something bugged there?

One vote